London Technology Week 2016 provided a wide range of insightful events from a broad range of experts. At Passle we were fortunate to run “No Space for Luddites Anymore” alongside our client Charles Taylor

The objective of the event was for our distinguished panel to share tales of deploying new technology within their organisations. 

There was time for some extremely valuable questions that are no doubt being continued offline. 

Our panelists and host, Paolo Cuomo, provided a closing thought….

Tom Powell - Former England Rugby Player and Head of Business, CBL Insurance

Be inquisitive, challenge the status quo, engage & collaborate with other industries.. 

Adam Elgar - Co-founder, Passle 

Ensure a technology is explained in terms of how it will benefit the individual, their team and the firm (in that order).

Alasdair McPherson - Investor, Craigie Capital

The best technology solutions for large organisations often come from where you least expect. Be inquisitive, look outside your comfort-zone and empower your employees to trial new tech solutions.

Kenny Baille - Head of Communications and Sponsorship, British Rowing

Before any organisation embark on implementing a new technology solution they should first have clarity of purpose both as an organisation and also for their technology solution and this can be run in parallel to solving their business problem/s through People, Process and Technology, in that order.

David Marock - Group CEO, Charles Taylor 

It was that it is essential for businesses and all their employees to be open to new technological ideas, testing them swiftly so that it is clear as to whether and how they will benefit the business, its employees and its clients meaningfully. 

Merlie Calvert - Head of Business Services, LHS Solicitors 

Never stop playing ‘what if?’ To do that, be social, converse – especially with those who are outside your normal business activities (they often help you challenge yourselves to think differently).

Harness and empower your intrapreneurs (who are likely to be at all levels of your business), give them time to ‘chuck mud at the walls and see what sticks’.

Finally, remember that technology is not a panacea, a sticking plaster or a one-off solution to the question of how to achieve business differentiation/competitiveness. It has to make sense in the wider context of a well-thought through business plan.

We are looking forward to London Technology Week 2017 and highly recommend hosting an event yourself.